The True Usage Of A Money Funnel

Harder than being blamed is not understanding it.....

When new entrepreneurs start a journey

Money is the purpose of its began,

But that's a motivation trigger.

Experienced entrepreneurs instead,

Understand a need and craft a brand.

That brand has a purpose, it is to solve any problem.

When you started your journey as an entrepreneur,

It was not vain metrics what motivated you.

It was something greater...

Your purpose.

The space is getting saturated every single day.

Hard work will always beat talent.

While some complaint about it, others stay calling.

You may think this way, of course:

  • Health and relationships are the most important
  • It is your duty to provide the best for your family
  • The information you have seen just isn't enough
    (If it was, why would you still be here reading this?)

We have a different reality.

After 10+ years of hard work.

Our talents became an skill set.

Then, that skill turned to an irresistible offer.

We have many stories from satisfied entrepeneurs.

Here's one story worth sharing of Jack from June 2022:

Within the first 10 minutes of our

"Converting Your Product Into an Irresistible Offer" call,

We found a hole in his funnel system that was decreasing his value offer x10.

Upselling, downselling, cross-selling, case studies... The essentials were nowhere to be seen.

Maximize your sales conversion through optimized funneling


Complete Funnel Optimization

Shape the minds of your leads into exactly what you want it to be when they see your proposal.
Make it so engaging that... Read more

After increasing his revenue 600% with only couple calls, we simply:

  • Placed everything on autopilot for the next 6 months
  • Allowed him to spend 2023 travelling with his wife
  • Provided time for him to make a baby (he is a boy)
  • Became friends to meet for real in our client's resort!

This goodwill is what keeps us motivated and prosperous till today.

Do you really want to miss out on such a great life?

Increase Your Revenues Like Jack

P.S: Place our email in your favorite folder to don't miss the next INBOX.

See you inside!

The Inbox - A Newsletter From Boost Manifesto.

Would you stop getting all these value bombs?